Marie, I know I should be blogging, there’s just one little problem – I hate blogging.
– Client who wishes to remain anonymous!
Regularly adding SEO-friendly content to your website is one of the best ways to rank higher in Google’s search results and grow your website traffic. The problem is it can feel draining. Want to learn how to create blog content faster without compromising on the quality of the blogs you create? Here’s my complete guide on how to create blog content faster – even if you hate blogging.
I get it. Blogging can feel extremely tedious at times and it can take a while to get results. But deep down part of you knows it would be a good idea to at least write occasional blog posts to “stoke the fire”.
If this is you, I’ll do my best to share some tips to write blog posts faster without churning out spammy AI content-type posts that would bore the pants off the reader.
I’m going to assume that you have some kind of content creation plan. I’m also guessing you want to save time, you’re sick of how slow blogging can be and you could do with a few writing tips.
What I'll cover
How to Blog Faster in 7 Easy Steps
- ♻️Recycle content you’ve already created
- ✔️ Create a blog post outline
- ?Use AI to build a framework
- ✍️Transcribe and repurpose existing content
- ?Create blogs more quickly with voice notes
- ⏰Use the Pomodoro technique to write and edit
- ?Sign up for Focusmate – a free (and paid) virtual co-working platform
Step 1. Recycle Content you’ve already created
Constantly trying to come up with new content ideas is the road to burnout. Don’t forget not everyone has read or heard everything you’ve ever created. Even if they have, they more than likely could do with the repetition to help it sink in!
Every day I see coaches and therapists sharing tips on social media – helpful engaging content that really resonates with their audience. Those tips are naturally brimming with the exact keywords they’d love to rank for on their websites, but I bet half of them feel like they don’t have time to create a blog post!
This is where the magic of recycling comes to the fore.
Yes, the search engines prefer long-form content (at least 300 words per blog), but isn’t it better to post something that could actually help your reader instead of letting perfectionism get in your way?
If you haven’t already, this could be the perfect time to check out your stats and find out your most popular content. By now it’s more than likely slipped down the feed, so why not give it a new lease of life by publishing it on your blog?
Using what you’ve already created will help you to publish blog posts faster and means that you’re giving your social media content a chance to work harder for you.
Step 2. Create a blog post outline
Creating an outline before you begin can help double your writing speed because it takes you out of the trap of overthinking.
It can also make a better reading experience because your blog will (hopefully!) flow better.
If you’ve followed tip number one, you’ve already identified a couple of popular articles, so you might even find you can write more than one blog post super fast without too much effort.
Here’s a rough workflow
a) identify your cord topic
b) write your key bullet points
c) list any related posts or resources you could link to
c) think about the CTA you want to add
Step 3. Use AI writing assistants to build a framework
You’ve probably heard of tools like Jasper, ClosersCopy or Chat GPT that can generate blog posts at the click of a button. Sounds so tempting, but a surefire way to get on the wrong side of the Google spiders. Plus whatever you write will be completely unoriginal.
It’s not really helping your reader either if you’re not thinking about what they need instead of hitting publish on any old rubbish. That kind of defeats the purpose if no one reads it after you’ve hit the publish button!
But if you already have an AI writing assistant, use it to speed up your content creation by helping you to flesh out your outline. Then do something else entirely and see what you have to add. AI tools can save time, but only ever use them to write a draft, don’t rely on them as your sole method of blog post creation.
If being afraid of Google not ranking your content isn’t scary enough when it comes to an over-reliance on AI tools, there’s also some rumblings about the ethics of some of these tools which is also very off-putting.
If you’d love to test using an AI writing assistant to help you flesh out a blog post outline, make sure to check out this post where I’ve added a complimentary tool for you to try out – it also walks you through planning your blog content for a whole year, easily and effortlessly.
Step 4. Transcribe and Repurpose existing content
This tip sounds similar to tip number one, but it’s got a twist.
See if you can find a recording of a workshop you delivered live and get it transcribed. There’s nothing like the power of conviction you feel when you’re teaching something you’re passionate about and it will leap off the page.
You might also notice yourself telling helpful little anecdotes that will make your blog interesting to read.
Recently I listened back to a live workshop I delivered and I laughed when I heard myself telling a story about my first email list that had only four subscribers. I thought my clients might find it encouraging, so it prompted me to write a blog post about it.
The thing is, I would never have thought to share that story if I’d been sitting down trying to think of something to write about. Often it’s easier to come up with an idea if you’ve someone to bounce off.
If you absolutely hate writing, this tip could make a real difference because it will help you to get past writer’s block and share helpful information on your website that your people are crying out for.
And if you’re feeling a bit burned out from social media, check out this post where I share tips about marketing for therapists and coaches without being on social media 24/7.
Step 5. Create blogs more quickly with voice notes
You’ll love this tip if you don’t want to be glued to your computer. Head out for a walk or do something you love and see what happens when you give your creativity a chance.
Don’t force yourself to come up with content related to what you want to blog about – just let your mind drift. You might be pleasantly surprised by a download or insight that will add to what you’ve already created.
When an idea pops into your head, just record a voice note on your phone and circle back to it later.
This can just be a brain dump, but you just might come up with a little nugget.
Step 6. Use the Pomodoro Technique to write and edit
Have you ever sat down to do something and got distracted because you’ve 50 tabs open? Or your phone beeps or you get an email and you go down a rabbit hole?
That’s where the Pomodoro technique comes in.
If you’re procrastinating or telling yourself you’re being productive, but you find it hard to actually get down to writing, just set a timer for five minutes and tell yourself you can stop.
You’ll almost definitely get into a flow and be way more productive.
Step 7. Sign up for Focusmate
I recently discovered Focusmate and it has been a game-changer for me. Sometimes I find it hard to get started with a project, especially if it’s one that doesn’t really appeal to me.
Focusmate is a virtual co-working session where you sign up and are assigned a partner to do a block of focused work. It is based on the concept of body doubling – where there is accountability to stick to a task because you leave your camera on.
This technique is particularly helpful if you suspect you may have ADHD or if you are procrastinating getting started on a task. I find it really helpful for all kinds of things I resist – like doing invoices!
At the start of the session, you set your intention for the block of time, then you mute yourselves and carry out some focused work. At the end of the session, you check in with your partner and share the progress you made.
I liked Focusmate so much I have signed up for the paid version, but that’s totally optional, so you could give the free plan a go and see how you get on.
Final thoughts on making content creation easier:
Remember there’s nothing wrong with a shorter blog post and it might even be easier for your audience to digest. You can always edit it and add more if inspiration comes.
Blogging takes time and effort before you see results, but it can be so worth it – if you need a reminder, check out this article about the advantages of blogging for business.
And if you’re feeling completely uninspired and in a content rut, check out this post where I share my hacks to make your content creation way easier with a simple blog content plan.