It takes bravery and courage to promote an offer. It can also take a lot of time and energy! So how can you boost your website sales without expanding all your energy (especially if you’re an introvert)?
Selling can sound very highly charged. It can bring up a LOT – as a coach you might associate selling with a second-hand car salesman using manipulative techniques.
But what if it’s just about listening to what potential clients are stuck on – getting a sense of their challenges, having a conversation with them and inviting them to check out your offer? Would that feel better? Simply letting them know about how you can help, making it easy for them to see your services and making it easy for them to see if you might be a good fit to work with you later.
These tips aren’t totally effortless, but they’re pretty easy to implement and you could start by just giving one a go! If you’d love to casually raise awareness about what you do and who it’s a fit for I highly recommend that you continue reading.
This post is for you if you’re looking for simple steps you can take immediately to start boosting your website sales.
This post is inspired by a lovely lady who was disheartened because she sent an email out to her (fairly big) list and made precisely zero sales. She was an introvert and was afraid that maybe she just didn’t have what it takes to sell her thing.
She’d worked hard on her product, and people had told her they wanted it, so she was super disappointed when she didn’t get the results she was hoping for.
I’m no expert on selling, but I did have some suggestions to share that could help her to boost her website sales over time, without burning herself out.
It would be so easy and understandable to give up. To talk yourself out of selling. But once you’ve gotten over the initial disappointment, here are some tips that could help:
What I'll cover
If your offer isn’t selling – tips for introverts
Don’t take it personally – maybe you just didn’t have enough eyes on your offer, or maybe they checked out your sales page and got distracted (by their dog, their kids, or their life admin).
(Being an introvert, I often find other introverts are drawn to work with me, so if that sounds like you, here are some ideas to think about to help boost your sales without having to make 25 bajillion Tik Tok videos)…
Introverts have a superpower – the gift of human connection, being genuinely interested in people and making them feel special and nurtured.
Because it’s harder for us to sustain our energy in a big group, it means we often work 1:1 or with small groups, so we have a good insight into what’s going on in the minds of our ideal clients. – their struggles, what’s keeping them stuck and potential solutions we can offer.
That means that often they trust you, but maybe they’re just not ready to buy from you yet. It might be that you just have to keep doing what you’re doing, sharing client wins and testimonials so they can picture themselves working with you.
The good news is that if you stay on their radar more than likely they’ll eventually click that buy button (if you’ve explained your offer clearly enough).
4 Practical Action Steps to Boost Your Sales (without working harder)
I bet you’ve done some of these already, but it’s no harm to get a reminder, you might just need to tweak your existing strategy. Please don’t go down a rabbit hole or get overwhelmed – pick one idea and get it done.
Add an announcer bar to your website
An announcer bar is exactly what it sounds like – a bar at the top of your website (make it a contrasting colour so that it stands out!) with a clickable button linking to your offer. (I’ve a very easy training on this in my Tech Membership)
This means if someone lands on your website, for example, if they’ve read a blog, seen you give a talk or discovered you on social media, they immediately know that you’ve something for sale.
They’re not necessarily going to hit the button immediately, but you’ve planted the seed that your offer exists.
Add a link to your offer in your email signature
This is an easy one to overlook, but you might just be surprised by who clicks. If this sounds too scary or feels too salesy, you could simply add a link to your free discovery call. I unexpectedly ended up on a podcast by putting this one into practice!
Why this works: Who receives your emails? The people who are already on your email list or clients who have already worked with you! More than likely they have a sense of the value of what you do. Popping a link to work with you in your email signature is something that could just give them a nudge to book with you, but there’s no hard sell so it doesn’t feel awkward.
Add the link to your offer to your link in bio
Whether you use a tool like Linktree, or have created a social links page on your own website, this is a great place to link to your offer.
Avoid having forty-five different links on display – tighten it up and maybe give a link to a freebie, a recent blog and the offer you’re currently promoting, otherwise, people will get overwhelmed and click away.
Even big companies mess this up sometimes, so if you’re reading this and cringing, don’t beat yourself up, just make a note to streamline what you’re offering when you get a chance.
Pro Tip: Check if your link in bio is up-to-date – or could it do with a quick spring clean?
Remove any offers that you no longer want to provide, add a couple of eye-catching emojis and make sure the thing you currently want to sell doesn’t have a broken link!
I’ve had a couple of nice PayPal notifications about people buying a thing I wasn’t even actively promoting purely because people visited my social media bio and clicked on the link.
Weave links to your offer into your content
Did you spot the link to my Tech Membership above? That’s what I want you to do! If you have a solution that could help people, don’t be afraid to mention it if it’s a fit.
It’s not salesy, it’s just letting them know that you exist and you’re there if they need you.
By the way, if you’ve been holding back from promoting your offer because your Sales Page isn’t “perfect” yet, would it comfort you to know that even though I’m a Web Designer, I still haven’t got mine the way I want them, despite the fact I’ve been running my offers since 2021?
Another thing I see that holds people back is not having perfect systems set up yet and not knowing how to do it. Don’t let any of that stop you. Trust that you’ll either figure it out, or you’ll pay someone to help you.
Some people won’t care about the system, they just want your support.
Others will scan every word on your offer to see if it’s the right fit for them, but if they trust you already, often they just want to be able to click the buy button.
You may well assume, having read this post that I have a massive audience myself – nope! You don’t need a large audience to start selling – please don’t let this myth hold you back from sharing your gifts with the world.
You might also wonder if you need to be showing up on multiple social media platforms to make the income you desire…you could..but you don’t have to…when it comes to getting clients (especially online) remember that it can be much less complicated and time-consuming than you might be imagining right now.
Depending on your wheelhouse, potentially you can work with clients internationally, in multiple timezones, and depending on your bandwidth and capacity, you probably don’t need as many leads as you might think to make a very nice income.
Don’t give up. The seeds you’re planting today will grow and flourish – keep nurturing them now and you can harvest them later. And if you need help setting up these systems, I’d love to have you join my Tech Membership, the most affordable way to work with me when you’re ready (it’s not just techy help, you get connection, coaching and support).
Maybe what you really need is a bit of encouragement, accountability and the odd bit of click-by-click support – if so, I’d love to hear from you and I’ll be honest about whether I can help or not.